Is Commercial Real Estate Investing the right move for you?
Some people think the REIA is just residential investors – that couldn’t be further from the truth. We have 1,000’s of Accredited Investors, Syndicators, Key Partners, General Partners, Sponsors, Sophisticated Investors and more as part of our community. Plus we have the Commercial Banking Relationships, SEC Attorneys and Brokers to find deals and get them across the finish line.
The key to residential investing is finding the deal – the money is easy to find if you source a great deal and your numbers are on point.
The key to commercial investing is finding the money – there are plenty of opportunities out there but finding 10, 20, or 50+ investors and managing them to get their money on time and in a short amount of time can be a daunting task.
The process of commercial investing can be intimidating and that’s why being active in a community is critical. With the legislation that has passed through the years, commercial investing is more popular and accessible than ever. But it’s rife with risk as well. The best way to navigate not just the rewards, but also the risk, is to get educated.
If you are interested in commercial investing, we recommend you start at either the local REIA meeting (just to get to know us) and then sign up for our upcoming Big Profits Live Class – our high level commercial training. You can register for these on the Events page.
After that we have additional commercial training that is by invitation only where we explore multiple commercial asset classes – Apartment Buildings, Self-Storage, Residential Assisted Living, Mobile Home and RV Parks, Land Development, Oil and Gas and Mineral investing and more.

90% of all millionaires are made through investing in real estate.
The upper echelon of these investors own commercial properties.
Simply put, the average commercial deal has a higher value and produces more cash flow than a single-family deal.
With greater revenues come greater legalities, risks, analysis, due diligence, etc…
What we’ve seen is that many investors are held back from fear, not knowing what question to ask, not know whether or not a commercial opportunity is a good deal or not, and not knowing how to evaluate those deals and decide to put them in your portfolio.
Big Profits Live was designed to overcome these issues and allow you to become a commercial real estate investor.
Big Profits Live is focused on assisting investors with building wealth and earning cash flow rental income through commercial properties.
This includes distressed commercial assets and foreclosures.
Members and attendees come here to create opportunities, find private money, network, and learn how to put together deals correctly.
All investors, from new to very experienced, are welcome. There is always something to learn, investment opportunities to participate in, and networking opportunities with local real estate professionals & more.
We cover the following types of commercial assets…

- Apartments / Multi-family
- Office Space
- Self-storage Units
- Assisted Living Facilities
- Retail / Strip Malls
- Bulk Residential
- Mobile Home Parks / RV Parks
- Air BnB, Short-term, and Mid-term Rentals

Investing in Commercial Real Estate Vs. Residential Real Estate
Club President Shenoah Grove and her husband Phill have been investing in both Commercial and Residential Real Estate since 2003. They’ve participated in over 1,200 real estate transactions totaling over a quarter of a billion dollars. To this day, they hold an 8 figure real estate portfolio.
At Texas REIAs we are “Asset Class Agnostic” – if there’s an opportunity to make money, we won’t discriminate based on what asset class it is in.
Residential real estate investing is for 4 units or less. As such, the deal sizes and complexities are smaller than a commercial deal.
In addition, it’s easier to leverage banks and other people for financing.
Also, the value of the properties is based on market comparables of similarly sized properties within a given area.
Very little can be done to exponentially increase the value of the residential property and you’re limited to the amount monthly cash flow you can create compared to commercial deals. Therefore, those more sophisticated investors looking to build serious wealth and generate significant monthly cash flow will typically look to commercial real estate.
Commercial property is real estate comprised of 5 or more units. It can also serve as business property, such as strip malls, office buildings, or self-storage units.
The values of commercial properties are more complicated than residential. Instead of being based on market comparables, they’re based more on your net operating income (NOI) as well as other factors. When you increase your NOI, you can significantly increase the overall value of the asset (much more than in residential real estate).
Due diligence for Commerical Assets involve detailed market analysis using Co-Star reports and completing scenario analysis based on changing occupancy rates, changing rents and value add options that can significantly increase the NOI and resell value of the investment.
Financing for commercial properties can be more complex and involve SEC attorneys for syndications among multiple investors.

What Can You Expect From A Commercial REIA Event?
With greater income opportunities come more complexity, the need for education, more access to financing, and a bigger power team.
This is where the Commercial REIA and our Big Profits Live Class come into play!
Some of what you’ll learn at each event:
- Pros of cons of investing in certain asset classes
- How to quickly evaluate a deal
- What you can do to impact your NOI (Net Operating Income) and increase the value of the asset
- Tips for creating long-term steady cash flow
But honestly, we’re much more “deal” focused than strategy focused, which means better deal opportunities for our members.
If you’re looking to invest in something other than just residential real estate, then this is the community for you!
All investors, from new to very experienced, are welcome. There is always something to learn, investment opportunities to participate in, and networking opportunities with local real estate professionals & more.
If you are interested in commercial investing, we recommend you start at either the local REIA meeting (just to get to know us) and then sign up for our upcoming Big Profits Live Class – our high level commercial training. You can register for these on the Events page.
After that we have additional commercial training that is by invitation only where we explore multiple commercial asset classes – Apartment Buildings, Self-Storage, Residential Assisted Living, Mobile Home and RV Parks, Land Development, Oil and Gas and Mineral investing and more.
Club Disclaimer: Your personal level of success in attaining the results from using our information and strategies discussed at our events totally depends upon your own individual circumstances, the effort you devote to your own financial success, the ideas and techniques used, your finances, the various strategies that your financial, legal, and other advisors may have suggested that you implement, your knowledge, and various other skills. Since these factors differ among each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or income level, nor are we responsible for any of your actions.
Code of Conduct Policy: While Networking with others at the Club is encouraged, we strongly recommend you perform your due diligence prior to entering into any real estate agreement. For more information, please refer to our Club Members Code of Conduct Policy