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Welcome to Texas REIAs – Texas’ Largest Association of Real Estate Investors! We have multiple live, live-streamed and zoom meetings each month for you to take part in to grow your knowledge and tribe. Our motto is Tools-Training-Tribe because we provide the things every successful investor needs to knock it out of the park! We are the “#1 place to get started investing” and we take that accolade very seriously by providing incredible training, resources and introductions to best in class service providers.

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Tools – To be a successful real estate investor you have to have access to the right tools and the tools are always changing. We stay cutting edge in our business practices and tools so we can help owners, help buyers and win in every market – no matter what challenges the market puts in our path. Our objective is to find and use tools that put us in front of sellers first, give us the best opportunity to find the owner and contact them in a technologically sophisticated manner that takes the effort out of investing. Plus we have tools to help us analyze deals quickly and come up with creative offers that work based on each unique situation. The game changing tools are always improving and so is Texas REIAs.

Training – We are huge believers in the power of training and continuous education. We have successfully invested in every part of the market cycle and we are “full cycle” investors (investing through both good times and bad). To be able to survive and thrive regardless of whether the market was up or down, we had to adopt an attitude of “Adapt, Mutate, Migrate or Die”

In real estate and in life, we believe that if you are not growing and learning then you are dying. We love what we do and we are students of the market and are committed to that philosophy. As former Engineers, Computer Science geeks and MBA’s, The art of the deal is our passion and real estate allows us to live it out, in a profitable and sustainable way, every day.

Tribe – When we first started investing we attended the local REIA meeting. That’s where we got our first deal, our first lender and the tribal knowledge we needed to take it to the finish line and profit.

Without this community, we might still be working a 9-5 job making someone else rich. At this point in our careers, success, income and wealth, we don’t need to help others as part of the REIA, but we feel the need to pay it back by continuing to pay it forward to our members.

We know we can’t individually help every owner on our own, but we know we can give our members the tools and knowledge that will extend our reach beyond what we can do on our own. That’s powerful. And it’s our life work in action every day.

The goal of our tribe is to make sure people can sell their houses with dignity and equity and our members can figure out win-win deals by using our 12 creative investing strategies. When we got in this business we saw the income and wealth building power real estate could bring. Then we saw the impact on the communities we served. Then we started teaching people and we saw the impact on other investor’s income and wealth and then on the communities they served. That’s purposeful. And it’s the legacy we leave as part of Texas REIAs.

If you are interested in commercial investing, we recommend you start at either the local REIA meeting (just to get to know us) and then sign up for our upcoming Big Profits Live Class – our high level commercial training. You can register for these on the Events page.

After that we have additional commercial training that is by invitation only where we explore multiple commercial asset classes – Apartment Buildings, Self-Storage, Residential Assisted Living, Mobile Home and RV Parks, Land Development, Oil and Gas and Mineral investing and more.

Club Disclaimer: Your personal level of success in attaining the results from using our information and strategies discussed at our events totally depends upon your own individual circumstances, the effort you devote to your own financial success, the ideas and techniques used, your finances, the various strategies that your financial, legal, and other advisors may have suggested that you implement, your knowledge, and various other skills. Since these factors differ among each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or income level, nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

Code of Conduct Policy: While Networking with others at the Club is encouraged, we strongly recommend you perform your due diligence prior to entering into any real estate agreement. For more information, please refer to our Club Members Code of Conduct Policy