Deals & Money
We can’t call ourselves a real estate investor unless we have access to Deals and/or Money
You can have deals and not have any money and still make money – we have multiple strategies for that.
- Wholesaling
- Novations
- Sub-to/Wrap-around Mortgages
- Listing Referrals
- Lease Options (if done in accordance with the law)
- And many more....
You can have money and not have any deals and still make money – we have multiple strategies for that.
- Lending
- Partnering

Great Deals = Money
But if you have a great deal, here’s what I can guarantee, you’ll always get the money.
Now there is an emphasis on the word great and the word deal. We find too many people throw around the word “deal” with different meanings.
For me, to get money, it’s got to be in the 70% of After Repair Value (ARV) minus repair range to qualify for my funds or any lenders funds.
But there are many opportunities to make money without risking any cash (or very little cash) and in those cases, you are getting a property under contract but never taking title (or if you do, it’s only for a very short period of time)
Calculate Your MAO using our MAO Calculator
However, once you combine a great deal with money, the world of investing completely opens up with many more strategies.
- Fix & Flip
- Equity Partnering
- Buying at Auction
- Buying and Holding
- Homestead investing
- REO Investing
- Pre-habbing and more
At Texas REIAs we can tell you exactly how to find Deals and exactly where to get the Money!
If you are interested in commercial investing, we recommend you start at either the local REIA meeting (just to get to know us) and then sign up for Big Profits Live – our high level commercial training. You can register for these on the Events page.
After that we have additional commercial training that is by invitation only where we explore 5 different commercial asset classes – Apartment Buildings, Self-Storage, Residential Assisted Living, Mobile Home and RV Parks, Land Development, Oil and Gas and Mineral investing and more.
Club Disclaimer: Your personal level of success in attaining the results from using our information and strategies discussed at our events totally depends upon your own individual circumstances, the effort you devote to your own financial success, the ideas and techniques used, your finances, the various strategies that your financial, legal, and other advisors may have suggested that you implement, your knowledge, and various other skills. Since these factors differ among each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or income level, nor are we responsible for any of your actions.
Code of Conduct Policy: While Networking with others at the Club is encouraged, we strongly recommend you perform your due diligence prior to entering into any real estate agreement. For more information, please refer to our Club Members Code of Conduct Policy