Shenoah Grove
Founder & Club President
Shenoah Grove is the Founder of Texas REIAs. Shenoah joined the local real estate investing association in 2003 and started to lead it in 2004 and formally purchased the association in 2008. In 2011 Shenoah created associations throughout Texas with monthly meetings in Austin and San Antonio and added Dallas, Houston in 2013. Every month hundreds of members, guests and vendors attend to learn about investing based on what works today. Shenoah holds a BA from The University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Rice University in Houston. She’s a fourth generation real estate investor and has been sharing her knowledge as soon as she started acquiring it. She believes that investing can change your finances and your life and it’s her passion to share knowledge and grow others.
“True freedom is doing the things you love, when you want to do them and with who you want to do them for as long as you want to do them. Real estate is the path to the freedom you seek.” ~ Shenoah Grove
Phill Grove is the Co-Founder of Texas REIAs. He started investing in 2003 after leaving a successful career in corporate America as Head of Sales and Marketing divisions of both startup companies and large IT companies. He was a double major, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. His love for science, systems and real estate make him the perfect person to learn from. No one breaks complex investing techniques down into bite-size,
understandable parts like he does.
Not afraid to address the complexities and dig into the nuance, he won’t leave a stone unturned or a question unanswered. Real Estate is his skill but creating step-by-step duplicatable processes is his secret. To thrive in every part of the market cycle, Phill created and teaches 12 distinct investing strategies. He knows the one-trick-pony doesn’t make it long term in real estate.
Phill is our keynote speaker at TexasREIAs, sharing his experience, his tribal knowledge and helping others get started and scale their investing business. He is a nationally recognized expert in over 12 Real Estate Investing strategies. He’s trained over 100,000 people to invest in real estate and he’s transacted over 1,200 deals involving over $200M. He has invested in over
$300M in commercial properties. And most importantly, he has survived and thrived in every part of the market cycle and he’s kind enough to share his knowledge with the members of Texas REIAs.

Phil Grove
If you are interested in commercial investing, we recommend you start at either the local REIA meeting (just to get to know us) and then sign up for our upcoming Big Profits Live Class – our high level commercial training. You can register for these on the Events page.
After that we have additional commercial training that is by invitation only where we explore multiple commercial asset classes – Apartment Buildings, Self-Storage, Residential Assisted Living, Mobile Home and RV Parks, Land Development, Oil and Gas and Mineral investing and more.
Club Disclaimer: Your personal level of success in attaining the results from using our information and strategies discussed at our events totally depends upon your own individual circumstances, the effort you devote to your own financial success, the ideas and techniques used, your finances, the various strategies that your financial, legal, and other advisors may have suggested that you implement, your knowledge, and various other skills. Since these factors differ among each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or income level, nor are we responsible for any of your actions.
Code of Conduct Policy: While Networking with others at the Club is encouraged, we strongly recommend you perform your due diligence prior to entering into any real estate agreement. For more information, please refer to our Club Members Code of Conduct Policy